The harvest always takes place in the first 2 weeks of November each year.


Our olives are hand picked and "cold processed" on the same day in the nearby olive mill. Modern hydraulic technics guarantee a hygienic professional squeezing to result in highest quality "Extra Vergine". First, the olive oil is yellow-green and turbid. By purpose it is not filtered to keep its full and rich flavour. Now the olive oil is slightly peppery, followed by an aroma of apples, nuts and almonds. After a couple of weeks it turns into the clear "liquid gold", tasting warm and full and still keeping its fruity aromas. "Extra Vergine" oils by law may have an acid contents of max. 0,8 %, ours has never had more than 0,1 - 0,2 % on average.


The oil is stored in stainless-steel containers at the ideal temperature of 15 - 18°C. Well stored it will keep its quality over several years, however, the aroma is best when used within 18 months after production.

Can I trust the label? An Italian law defines "Italian olive oil" as an oil which may contain 75 % of foreign olive oils, mostly low quality ones coming from other mediterranian countries where they are harvested by machine, heated to maximise the oil contents and sometimes treated with chemicals. Therefore, we recommend to taste and to compare yourself. Being sure where the olive oil is coming from should be your first choice.


Olive oil is extremely good for your health, i.e. for your digestion, for your heart and your cholesterol as well as for its high contents of vitamin E.  And not to forget: It's extremely good for your skin, for your beauty!